Academic Curriculum

Eduardo Freire Canosa

Scientific Publications

  1. R. List, E. Freire et al., 1976: "On the variation of the collection efficiencies of icing cylinders." Proc. Intern. Cloud Physics Conf., Boulder, CO, 233-239.

  2. P.I. Joe, E. Freire et al., 1976: "Loss of accreted water from growing hailstones." Ibid., 264-269.

  3. E. Freire and R. List, 1979: "Collision enhancement for droplet pairs with electrically reduced approach speed." J. Atmos. Sci., 36, 1777-86.

  4. R. List, E. Freire et al., 1980: "Experiments and models on coalescence and breakup of raindrops." Proc. Intern. Conf. Cloud Physics, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Vol. I, 165-168.

  5. R. List and E. Freire, 1981: "The collision efficiency of uncharged cloud droplets in horizontal electric fields." J. Atmos. Sci., 38, 2257-63.

  6. R. List and E. Freire, 1990: "The sign of charge separation during breakup of colliding drops." XV General Assembly, European Geophysical Society, Copenhagen, April 23-27.

  7. R. List and E. Freire Canosa, 1992: "Inductive charge separation during collision, coalescence and breakup of colliding raindrops." Ann. Geophysicae, 10, 254-259.

  8. Canosa, E.F. and Roland List, 1993: "Measurements of inductive charges during drop breakup in horizontal electric fields." Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, Issue D2, 2619-26.

  9. Canosa, E.F., Roland List and R.E. Stewart, 1993: "Modeling of inductive charge separation in rainshafts with variable vertical electric fields." Journal of Geophysical Research, 98, Issue D2. 2627-33.


  1. University of Toronto, Bachelor of Science, 1975.

  2. University of Toronto, Master of Science, 1977.
    Thesis: "Electrical effects on the formation of precipitation; theoretical collision efficiencies of 10 µm and 9 µm droplets."

  3. University of Toronto, Doctor of Philosophy, 1984.
    Thesis: "Charge Separation in Waterdrop Collisions and its Role in Warm-Cloud Electricity."


May 26, 1980. Graduate Student Prize in Meteorology awarded for the paper "Collision Enhancement for Droplet Pairs with Electrically Reduced Approach Speeds", published in the Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, September 1979.

Signature: John M. Powell, President. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society.


Webpages/sites online as of January 4, 2024

  1. When I Was a Child in Ferrol, Spain (1953-65)

  2. Ferrol's New England Theater (1906-1914)

  3. 11 Songs of the Spanish Civil War (1936-39)

  4. Los Canadienses (Batallón Mackenzie-Papineau)

  5. Diary of a Marked Man

  6. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

  7. Translation from Galician to English of CANTARES GALLEGOS (1863)

  8. Translation from Galician to English of 11 poems by Rosalía de Castro

  9. Archived translations from Galician to English of poems by Rosalía de Castro

  10. Translation of the poem "¡Volved!" by Rosalía de Castro

  11. Translation from Galician to English of 11 poems by Eduardo Pondal

  12. Translation from Galician to English of 4 Classic Emigration Ballads